Many genealogists go online in order to do their research, to add information to their family trees, or to find out about genealogy related news. Today, genealogists can also go online to attend a webinar. has put together a bunch of new webinars that genealogists can watch for free! is one of the biggest, most popular, genealogy websites. They are the company that sponsored the “Who Do You Think You Are?” television show. Recently, bought for $100 million. They keep adding more records and documents to their collections, and they have a frequently updated Facebook page.
One of the great things about the internet is that it makes it possible for a person to keep up with news from all over the world. Genealogists can go online to find out what is happening at a big genealogy conference that they were unable to attend in person. It has become more and more common for genealogists to virtually attend webinars in order to learn more about a particular aspect of genealogy or to hear a well known genealogist give a presentation. has been creating webinars that genealogists can view for free. New ones are streamed through LiveStream. Later, those recorded webinars are made available, also through LiveStream, for genealogists who want to see them. You can watch and listen to the library of webinars for free, without logging into LiveStream.
It is not necessary for a genealogist to have purchased a membership from in order to view their webinars. You can find them through the website, or through LifeStream. They are calling it “ LIVE”.
Genealogists can easily see when upcoming webinars will appear on the LiveStream channel. It also shows some of the webinars that had previously been streamed. Some of the recent webinars that can be viewed right now are: “Unique Resources for Ethnic Origins”, “Using Search To Successfully Tell Your Ancestor’s Story”, and “What is the best way to…? Best Practices in Genealogy”.
Each of these webinar recorded videos is about an hour long. It might be a good idea to set aside some time when you will be able to watch the videos from start to finish, in order to get the most out of them. You also may want to find time in your schedule to attend one of the upcoming webinars.
Image by daniel_feldt on Flickr