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Ancestry.com Offers Free Access to Japanese – American Internment Records

Interment camp Ancestry.com is one of the most popular genealogy websites in existence. Genealogists will be excited to learn that Ancestry.com has been kind enough to offer free access to some of their records, for a limited time. You can explore their collection of Japanese – American Internment Records for free from right now through February 23, 2012.

It is always nice to get something for free! Ancestry.com has established a pattern of being really good about giving genealogists free access to certain categories of records for a limited time. Usually, when a company decides to give away something for free, that people would normally expect to pay for, it is gambling that this action will bring the company lots of new customers. It is a way to introduce people to a service, without making them take a financial risk. Those who get “hooked” will probably purchase a membership.

For genealogists, free access to some of Ancestry.com’s records can be very beneficial. Again, you gain access to at least a small portion of what Ancestry.com can offer you, without having to spend money to find out if you like the service. There is also the possibility that you will be able to find the information that you are looking for before the deadline on the free offer ends. Overall, this is a “win-win” situation.

Right now, through February 23, 2012, Ancestry.com is offering free access to two of their online historical collections of records. You can browse through their World War II Japanese – American collection, and their Internment Camp Documents (from 1942 through 1946). You do not have to be a member of Ancestry.com in order to gain access to these two collections of records. Start by entering the American or Japanese name of your ancestor into the search engine on that page.

Often, when Ancestry.com chooses to temporarily release certain categories of records for free, it is in relation to an upcoming holiday, or the date of an important historical event. These two categories from their World War II Japanese – American collection have been selected in order to commemorate the Seventieth Anniversary of Order 9066, which was issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942.

While you are visiting Ancestry.com, you may want to take the time to check out another “freebie” that the website is offering. Families.com writer Sara Berthiaume has pointed out on a recently written Genealogy blog that Ancestry.com is currently offering free access to the United States 1930 Census. This will be available to genealogists for free through February 20, 2012.

Image by Jason Hickey on Flickr