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And Baby Makes Three

How do you go from being a couple to being a party of three? It may appear to be a seamless transition for those super mom types, but for most of us regular people, it can be a challenging time. Not only do you have new constraints on time in general, money, and energy, but you’ll also find couple time lacking once baby comes home.

This is not to say that baby is a burden, not at all. A new baby is the most amazing change in life that most people can imagine. It’s just that adding another person to your relationship takes some adjusting.

Here are some tips to help you through the transition. They may seem obvious, but too many times, we lose sight of these things with all the demands we have to meet.

Wife and Mother

It can be difficult to switch roles from wife to mother and back again. However, it is important to remember that besides being a new mommy, you are also a companion, friend, helpmate, and partner for your husband. He may begin to feel left out as you become engrossed in your new role. Try to include your husband in caring for baby, and set aside a little time each day to give your husband some undivided attention. It can be a juggling act, but it’s very important.

Taking Care of You

With all that you have to do for baby and to make sure your husband feels included and appreciated, you may find that 24 hours per day doesn’t leave much time for you. You literally have to make time, demand time, for yourself. You need nutritious food, sleep, relaxation, exercise, alone time, and some time to groom and pamper yourself. Try to work these things into your routine, or you’ll soon find that many of these go by the wayside. Your wellbeing requires that you make at least some time for yourself each day.

Enjoy your Baby

We tend to get so caught up in the demands of life, work, and relationships, that time seems to fly by. This is never more true than when your baby is a newborn. While watching baby develop, grow, and learn is amazing, there are but few precious moments of newborn life to enjoy. Savor them with your husband, because they will be gone before you know it.

Okay, looking at these three tips, you’re probably thinking that they contradict each other. They really don’t, but they do require a lot of attention to detail and organization in order to make all the pieces fit together.

Congratulations on your new baby!