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Ann Coulter Spot Pulled from the Today Show

Ann Coulter is a conservative Christian political commentator, columnist, author, and talk show guest who uh-hum, occasionally rubs people the wrong way. And, by “occasionally,” I mean most of the time. Her past controversies have included saying Canada sent troops to Vietnam (they didn’t), criticizing some of the widows of 9/11 (whom she called “broads” who are millionaires and insinuated they enjoyed their husband’s deaths), saying of the Muslim nations “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,” and saying the U.S. would be a better country “if women did not vote” because if only men voted, Republicans would win every election.

This photo by Anthony Catalano is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License

Coulter seems to enjoy her confrontational style, saying she likes to “stir up the pot.” But, did it cost her a spot on the Today Show?

This morning, Coulter’s segment on the Today Show was cancelled at the last minute. She was supposed to appear to promote her new book “Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America,” but the segment was ditched. She is now saying it was a liberal media conspiracy to keep her off the air.

The official word from NBC is that Coulter’s spot was pulled at the last minute to offer more air time to the current Middle East conflict. The Drudge Report web page has said Coulter has been permanently banned from the Today Show, but NBC official deny it, saying “We’ve had Ann Coulter on Today many times, but because of the news in Washington and the Middle East, we decided to cancel her appearance tomorrow. Understanding the media as well as she does, we are sure she knows this happens from time to time. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.”

Coulter decided to promote her book on CBS’ Early Show this morning. She said “I know the whole thing was a setup to block me from other TV shows. I think if my book does well I can buy NBC.” Wow, her book had better sell A LOT of copies in that case.

So, what do you think? Was this just a case of bumping a book promo for world news or is Coulter really being discriminated against by the liberal media?