Here’s another thing about organizing for Christmas that makes the holidays a bit simpler at my house. As you go through all the stuff, purging, donating, storing, you may find that there are some things you need to add to your Christmas list.
Your kids might be growing out of a lot of their clothes and need a few new hip outfits. You might find that some new books would be good or you might want to replace some games or puzzles. This is a good way to dig around and find out what the kids need without coming out and asking them. This way, you can surprise them with at least some of the gifts you choose. When they make their lists they usually know they are going to get at least something from that list, but you can surprise them by replacing something they may not have thought about.
This works for others as well, not just kids. Maybe your husband’s (or wife’s) bathrobe is looking a little worn and you hadn’t really noticed. This may be a good item to add to your Christmas list. Grab a new pair of matching slippers to go with it.
Organizing will also help with your other shopping lists, not just your gift list. As you go through the kitchen, you’ll likely discover things that you need or that you want to replace. It has been an entire year since you last saw that Christmas napkin holder. You thought about replacing it last year when you were putting it away. As you look through your stuff, you’ll remember things like this. Write it down and start looking now, so you aren’t running around at the last minute.
This also works for utensils, turkey baster, stuff like that. Taking stock and getting organized is a good way to make sure you have everything you need before the holiday is upon us.
Sharing Holiday Responsibilities