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Another Surgery

Today is a big day for me, the JP Drains that I have had in for the last month are finally coming out. I have had them there since my TRAM Flap Reconstruction and the plastic surgeon is going to permanently removing the bandages. I was very happy to finally be bandage and drain free.

When the doctor removed the bandages it was better than the first day except for the fact that one area on one of the “girls” still looked a little open. The surgeon said not to worry just come back in a week and we will check it.

Unfortunately for me I have bad luck. First I got breast cancer at the age 35 with no family history, then I get pneumonia from being out for so long during surgery. Now I waited a week and the wound on the “girl” was still open so the surgeon said I would have to go back into surgery, just a day surgery this time, to have the wound reclosed. I started to cry, I really did not want to have surgery again I just was starting to feel better. He said that it won’t close unless I did it so I reluctantly agreed.

I had surgery within a few days and he closed me up again. Back home to heal again. At least this was nowhere nearly as bad as the reconstruction surgery but surgery is still surgery. This time the doctor wanted to leave the plastic dressing that they put over the incision on for 2 weeks just to give it time to heal. He wanted me to wear a sports bra for the next 2 weeks all the time unless I was in the shower.

Fingers crossed and hoping that this repair surgery would work I am really better to start getting back to normal.

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About Tammy Woolard

My name is Tammy and I am 40 year old mother of 3 wonderful children who came to us through domestic adoption. Although we did not have any fertility issues we chose adoption because there are so many kids that did not ask to be born but truly want a family to love. We did research on adoption choices and decided on domestic adoption through CPS. You would be surprised the differences between each agency. The adoption process is nothing like you see in the movies. I am also a 5 year breast cancer survivor. When I was diagnosed my kids were 3, 5 and 7 I did so much research I may have driven my Dr. a little crazy but that is ok it is my body not his.