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Appreciating Nature

My very favorite season is fall. I love the cool fresh air and the beautiful colors of the foliage. It is a time when I really appreciate the world that was made for us. It is important that we each take the time to give thanks for the beautiful world in which we live and all the creations upon it. It is also important to teach our children to appreciate these things, and to give thanks to who created them all. Here are five ways to do that.

1) Take your children into nature often. Camping and hiking are wonderful ways to connect. If you are hiking take time to point out the small things that are interesting or beautiful. My daughter and I counted twenty-three different colors of mushrooms on one nature walk we went on. She was blown away that there were so many different colors.

2) Teach your children that nature is beautiful. Take time to point out the beautiful fall colors, a gorgeous sunset or the stars at night. If you express your awe and appreciation, your children will learn to appreciate all the colors.

3) Take your children to the zoo and aquariums so that they can see and learn about the many animals on earth. As you do this you can talk about how different they are from each other. You can also talk about how the survive and how they were created with these special characteristics.

4) Teach your children the science behind the earth and animals. I am amazed at how everything works together. Learning about earthquakes and volcanoes gives me a greater sense of appreciation for the world and the Lord. Teach your children about the weather. This helps to sustain life and should be appreciated as well.

5) As you do all of the activities mentioned above do so in a way that helps you children to appreciate the gift of the earth. You can also point out that the Lord looks out for the animals and takes care of them. In a similar way he will help us and sustain us through our trials.

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