Utilizing aquarium chillers, or aquarium coolers as they are commonly referred to, is important since it is one of the best ways to insure that the temperature in your aquarium remains controlled in any environment and especially during hot weather. No matter which type of tank you maintain, an aquarium chiller can help you keep your temperature at a consistent level.
Tank lighting and pumps give off heat, which can make temperatures rise quickly, especially during warmer months. Aquarium chillers help stabilize temperatures under even extreme conditions. Many aquatic species are very sensitive and require a stable environment, so even just a couple of degrees can make a big difference. Maintaining a consistent temperature will not only help reduce stress on marine life that may be adversely affected by rapid temperature changes, but it also helps reduce algae and disease.
While aquarium chillers are not exactly cheap, they do last for several years if cared for properly, and they are certainly more cost efficient than running your air conditioner more than necessary during the summer to protect your tank.
There are two basic types of aquarium chillers, the inline chiller and the drop-in style. The inline chiller cools the water as it is being pumped, while the drop-in chiller sends coolant through a tube that rests in the water and does not require extra plumbing. Many enthusiasts prefer inline chillers, considering them a better value despite the fact that they are somewhat less convenient. Both styles provide essentially the same benefits, and both have thermostats which can be set to the appropriate temperature, so the choice of which type to purchase is based on your own personal preference.
What about size? Obviously, larger tanks require larger chillers and most dealers offer a chart to help you decide which chiller is appropriate for your tank size.
Finally, remember to use an aquarium chiller cautiously if your tank has been a certain temperature for a long period of time. The water should be cooled slowly to avoid causing shock to fish. Once the appropriate temperature has been achieved, you will have no trouble maintaining it, but getting there should be a careful process.