Have you ever aspired to a calling? At the adult session of my stake conference, my stake president spoke about this briefly. He actually shared a personal story of a time when he was sure he was going to receive a calling, but then he did not. He spoke of the brief disappointment, and then the realization that the Lord knew what He was doing. He also spoke of how people are prepared to serve.
Since then I have been thinking about this. This January when I was released as a Sunday School teacher, I was told that they already had my calling in mind. Well I waited and waited and I never received a call. At first I was a little put off by this, but as recent events have unfolded I am grateful that I did not receive one. It was everything I could do just to take care of my family.
I was recently called as a Relief Society teacher. It is calling that I think I will enjoy. A few weeks before I received the call I told my husband that I would love to teach Relief Society, as long as it wasn’t the fourth Sunday. Since it is difficult to pull a lesson together from several different talks. Well that is the week that I am teaching. I know that it will be a good growing experience.
There are times when we are called so that we can grow spiritually. There are times when we are called so that we can help others grow spiritually. Hopefully a little bit of both happens with every calling. It is also important to realize that at times we are not called for a reason. The Lord knows what challenges are coming in your life. He knows what experiences you need. He knows that your children might need you more somewhere else. It is important to realize this when you contemplate your calling.
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