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Are Little Fibs Harmless?

Granted, I will admit that a relationship should be built on trust and honesty. However, do you ever tell your spouse little fibs? Do you think your spouse ever fibs to you?

The fibs that I am talking about really carry no significance other than the fact that you are being lied to! They are the little fibs that I know some spouses tell just to appease the other. I feel that men are much more guilty of these avoidance fibs than women.

The ones I am referring to are those little fibs that the husband tells when he says that he has only had one beer that day and he had three. Or when he says that he came straight home after work but really stopped by a buddy’s place. These fibs are not hiding or covering up anything major that would be very critical to your marriage. They are usually just fibs to keep down on the argument or conflict with the wife.

There is also the one when he says he just got finish with the job yet he has been hanging out talking to buddies for the past hour. Or the one when he says he will be home in ten minutes when he knows it will be much longer.

I am not one to condone these fibs. However, I do know that they exist and are typically harmless. I have heard wives complain about them.

I am also sure that some wives do their part in telling little white lies. Some of these lies may even come into play when she is not in the mood for what he has in mind.

My question for the reader is: Are these little fibs acceptable and have you ever told one? Does you spouse ever tell them?

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