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Are You a Disciple of Christ?

On Sunday the Sacrament meeting talks in my ward were based on discipleship. This was a very interesting topic. I had not given a lot of thought to it lately. It really made me think about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. It made me think about what I needed to do in order to become a disciple of Christ.

The first two talks focused on following Christ’s example by considering what Jesus would want us to do in each situation. They pointed out that the Greek root means pupil. So in essence if we are to become disciples of Christ, we need to learn from Him and apply His teachings to our lives.

The third talk is the one that really made me begin to think about what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ. The speaker shared stories of people who were true disciples of Christ. He spoke about Brigham Young and John Taylor. He shared how each of these men had made huge sacrifices when they joined the church, essentially they gave up all they had. Each of these men devoted their lives to serving Christ and spreading the gospel around the world. In many ways they were similar to Peter, James and John when they left their fishing nets to follow Christ.

This made me consider if I was willing to give up all I had in order to follow Christ. Am I willing to devote my entire life to doing the things that Christ would have me do? I like to think that I am, but am I daily striving to learn what those things are? Am I praying to know what I can do today in order to grow closer to Christ? Am I asking, “Where and how I can serve each day?”

While I do this I know that I may not be called to leave all that I have to share the gospel with those around me. I may not be asked to give up all that I possess to the church. Instead it may be that I reach out to a friend and share the gospel. It may be taking the time to serve a sister in need or to cheer up someone who is downtrodden.

We may not all be called upon to make the big sacrifices as we strive to become disciples. It is through our daily actions that we prove our discipleship. As Alma asks do we have Christ’s image in our countenances? Can others see the peace and hope that come through following the Savior by looking at us? This is what we should each strive for, as we work on becoming disciples of Christ.

Related Articles:

General Conference: “Discipleship”

Gospel Doctrine: They Forsook All and Followed Him

Gospel Doctrine: Straightway and Immediately