Do you have a weight loss success story? We want to hear about it!
Beginning this month, I plan to start profiling weight loss success stories from the community. (I’ll even start with my own successful loss from 264 pounds to 170.) If you’d like to be profiled in a success story blog, please email me at with the subject line: Success Story and include the following information:
1. Your name (or user name if you’d prefer not to share your real name).
2. How much weight did you lose? Feel free to include pounds, inches, bodyfat percentage, clothing sizes or whatever else you used to measure your progress.
3. What did you do? Did you have surgery? Did you diet and/or exercise? If you dieted, tell me what diet it was. If you exercised, tell me what your exercise schedule/program was like. Did you join a particular gym? Get a personal trainer?
4. Who were your supporters? Did you have the help of a buddy? Did you go to scheduled meetings? Did you join a Weight Loss forum? Did you have online buddies to help you? If so, who are they?
5. How long did it take from start to finish? Have you reached your goal or are you still on your way to a final goal?
6. Why did you decide to finally take action and lose weight? Were there health concerns? Comfort? A special event? What was the big motivator that finally made you take the first step?
* Do you have before and after photos you are willing to share? Please attach clothed photos in JPEG format along with a stated release to use them in a blog. (Please do not include photos if you don’t want them published in a blog.)
If you’ve become a weight loss success story, tell me about it and let me tell the world! If you’ve had weight loss success, you deserve to be a celebrity here at!
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