Some Alarming Info that Will Curb Your Addiction!
Along with all those other goodies we love— soda pop is one of those hard habits dieters just have to kick. I used to drink at least two cans of REAL (no not diet!) Coke on a daily basis. If I was really exhausted, make that three. Looking back I was tired ALL the time, and it was due mainly because I was eating horribly, and drinking too much caffeine—and was packing on the pounds.
Kicking the pop addiction is a toughie, but once you do, you’ll feel better and start to shed some serious pounds.
Did you know that one 20 oz. soda is a caloric equivalent to eating 80 baby carrots, 15 CUPS of popped popcorn or 4 red delicious apples? Ditching the empty calories by cutting out the pop and eating something healthy instead will not only fill you up (who can eat 15 cups of pop corn?), but will give you necessary energy instead of that caffeine high and subsequent low. Don’t forget, eating a healthy alternative will also regulate your blood sugar—something you obviously don’t get from drinking a pop.
Diet Soda
Although there is no substitute for a big glass of water (you should be drinking this anyway!) there are many great substitutions out there. There are tons of flavored waters and seltzers (if you need the fizz) on the shelves. But if you are craving a pop, there are many alternatives to get your fix. Diet Dr. Pepper tastes pretty much like the real thing, and companies like Coke make products like Coke Zero, which are great substitutes because they are made with Splenda, and have zero calories and zero carbs. I’m not saying NEVER have a “real” soda—like I’ve said before, moderation is key.
What Have You Got to Lose?
By giving up ONE 20 oz. soda per day for a year, you will:
• Cut 67.5 pounds of sugar
• Cut 91,000 calories
• Lose up to 26 pounds of fat
That’s equal to one SUV tire!
By Giving Up Three 20oz. Sodas per day for a year, you will:
• Cut 202 POUNDS of sugar
• Cut 273,000 calories
• Lose up to 78 pounds of fat
That’s equal to THREE SUV tires!
Kind of makes you want to reach for a diet soda next time, right?
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