Being single and alone, you have been through some type of emotional upheaval of some sort. Either you have weathered the storm in bearing a child all by yourself without marriage, you have been through a divorce, or you have been through the death of a spouse. Any one of these scenarios qualifies you for a bravery medal. You have lived love and lost love and with that there is most likely heartbreak involved.
So you have been alone, maybe for some time now and you are tired of it. You want to go out again. You are feeling pretty good now and would like to test the waters, but there is one thing that holds you back. This one thing would be fear.
Are you scared? Scared of what is out there, scared your heart will become too involved and you will have to risk of the chance of lost love once again? You have to have a different attitude this time around. Maybe the first time that you fell in love you thought about romance, marriage, and being together for the rest of your lives. That was light years long ago. You are older and wiser now. I am not saying that you should not be romantic if you did find the right person to be with. I am saying that you need to protect yourself a little bit more than you did the first time around. I think that anyone would agree with me that with age comes wisdom. How true this is.
Go out, be cautious, but have fun. Do not get serious right away. Do not go out thinking, “Do I want to spend the next few years of my life with this person?” You are just beginning to enjoy a night out every once in a while so do just that. I would refrain from getting too physical with anyone. If your date departs you because of this just remember what your mama taught you. “If he cares for you, he will wait.” Moms do always know best, don’t they?
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.