No, I don’t mean do you like to EAT apples or pears—I’m talking about your body type. People typically fall into one body category:
Pears: If you are a pear-shape, you likely have a smaller upper body and a larger lower body. You may have a narrow waist and carry excess weight through your hips and thighs.
Apples: If you are an apple-shape, you likely have a larger upper body and a smaller lower body, with excess weight carried in your upper body, especially your stomach.
If you’re a pear, consider yourself lucky. Though your excess weight is not good for you, it’s not nearly as harmful as it is if you’re an apple-shape. Here’s why: apple-shaped people carry their weight around their waists. An increase in waist size equals an increased risk of many diseases, including heart disease. So, as Dr. Mehmet Oz states, “If you’re a pear, you may lose a few dates, but if you’re an apple, you may lose your life.”
This makes it all the more imperative to get the extra fat off from around your waist. Diet and exercise will accomplish this, though it may be difficult at first. I’ve found a very large correlation with my waist size and the amount of carbohydrates you eat. I’m not saying you should go on a low-carbohydrate plan, but it doesn’t hurt to reduce your carbohydrates and to take a serious look at how many unnecessary sweets, breads, pastas, and starches you may be consuming per week.
Knowing your body type is one step toward setting a weight loss goal and implementing changes to achieve that goal. Every body is unique. Every body has its own “problem areas.” And every person has different food demons, that is, those hidden calories we consume due to cravings.
Know your body type. Know your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Then jump on the bandwagon and take a step toward a healthier you.
For further reading:
Why Your Kids May Have a Lower Life Expectancy Than You