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Are You Avoiding Germs?


It’s that time of the year when many people are sniffling and sneezing. That makes others worry about one thing – avoiding germs. You may wash your hands a lot and try to avoid those that are sick, but there still may be ways you are coming in contact with germs and you don’t even know it.

One thing a lot of people are careful to do is to wash their fruit. And that is a great idea, but what about fruit such as bananas or oranges? You may not think to wash the skin of a fruit you don’t eat. I mean, why would you? But, how many of you peel these fruits with your hands then eat it? The germs from the peeling can get on your hands, and then you pop those germs – perhaps from the farmer that picked it, the stock boy that put it out, the many people that picked it up before moving along to another fruit, and the checker that checked it – in your mouth. So wash that next banana or orange before you peel it.

Many of us avoid railings and door handles at work, public bathrooms, and stores, but what about in your home? If someone at home has a cold, be sure to wipe door handles and railings with a hot, soapy cloth or spray it with a germ spray (such as Clorox Anywhere) to help keep everyone protected.

One thing I am especially guilty of is touching my face. I will push up my glasses, scratch my nose, brush my hair out of my eyes, rub my eyes, chew on my nails, and sometimes just put my fingers on my chin to prop it up while reading. But, think about everything you touch with your hands and then when you touch your face, you are just giving the germs an easy way to make us sick. So, I’ve decided to be more aware of exactly how much I touch my face and try to reduce it as much as I can.

Next time you are rubbing in the hand sanitizer to try to rid yourself of germs, keep these few tips in mind of other ways to avoid germs.

Image by: savvydad.com