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Are You Avoiding Going “High Tech”?

I know of a small business where there are NO computers. The bookkeeping is still done in a ledger books and checks are written out using a little “check machine” (I don’t even know what those old-fashioned things are called with the stamping for checks!). The business owner is determined to retire from the business doing things exactly as they have always been done in this multi-generational business. No going “high tech”! I can’t help but marvel at the determination but wonder if this isn’t taking things a little too far. I wonder how many other small and home-based businesses there are out there that have been able to resist computers, fax machines, cell phones, and other technological advances?

When I started my first tiny home-based consulting business nearly fifteen years ago, I kept my sparse books in a double-entry ledger book. I still remember the tiny cells on the green paper. I don’t even know if they still make that paper (but I’m guessing so if there are still businesses without computers.) Now I LOVE my spreadsheets and accounting software and it actually makes it possible for me to have an expanded business. I’m not savvy enough in the accounting world to be able to keep accurate records without a computer. But, I’m wondering what the motivation is for those home businesses that are avoiding going “high tech?” Is it fear of the unknown? Concern over expense? The reluctance to upgrade a system that has worked “just fine”? Even if full blown technological operations are out of the question, isn’t a little bit of technologically-induced efficiency a good thing?

I would love to hear from any of you home-business owners out there who have resisted technology and are attempting to run your businesses without what some of us have deemed necessary to modern business–computer, printer, fax machine, phone–if you are someone who is avoiding going “high tech” won’t you share your story with us?!

Also: Spend Money on Development

Mastering the International Fax

It’s Never Too Late to Take a Computer Class