Compulsive behaviors can be everywhere–they don’t just affect how we deal with our personal relationships or our own private way of coping with life. When it comes time to evaluate your business operations and how you are doing with your small, home-based business, you might need to see if you are bringing compulsive behaviors into your business operations…
So, what constitutes compulsive behaviors? Any sort of addictions, or out-of-control behaviors can be detrimental to our businesses. Work-a-holism, chemical addictions, the need to be always in control and controlling, difficulty managing or using appropriate emotions, co-dependency, etc. All of these compulsive behaviors can find their way into our work world too. That is one of the natures of compulsive behaviors–we cannot contain and control them and they have a tendency to seep over and affect all the areas of our lives. When we are working alone in our businesses, however, we might not have the mirrors of other people to help us see what compulsions we may have brought into the work world. It is up to us to take an honest look at what is actually going on.
Starting your own home-based business can give you a fresh start; a microcosm of an environment where you can work on some of your compulsive or addictive behaviors. Sometimes, the work world can seem less emotionally-charged than family or personal relationships and provide a good place to work on compulsions that may have been haunting us in other situations. In order to work on eliminating these compulsive behaviors from our business operations, however, we have to be honest and identify the way our behavior choices might be affecting our business. Are you working too much? Are you bringing addictive behaviors into your daily business operations? Only you can identify these unhealthy behaviors and attempt to keep them OUT of your home-based business.
Also: Are There Areas of Your Business You Are Avoiding?
It’s Okay to Say “I Don’t Have Time to Do That Today”