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Are You Envious of Your Kids’ Summer Freedom?

Summer is in full swing and if the weather is accommodating in your area, your children are probably completely occupied with summer activities: camp, swimming, sports, playing in the park, fishing, camping, etc. For many children, the summer months seem to be a non-stop romp of play and vacation. As a parent and an adult, our children’s fun may bring us satisfaction and it may remind us of our own seemingly long childhood summers; but it can also stir up a little envy and resentment!

As our children head off to day camp and the watering hole, many of us are heading off to work. Sure, we may get a couple weeks off during the summer to cram in that family vacation but all in all, the months of June, July and August generally involve many of the same tasks and routines that consume the rest of the year. Even if we are happy to see our children having such a good time, we may feel a little piece of us wants to head off to the swimming hole with them!

It is okay, it is normal to crave some play and fun and the more our children seem to be enjoying life, the more it can remind us of what we are missing. There are ways to get more “summer” into your summer, however, all while still taking care of business and doing all those adult tasks you need to get done. Do seasonal activities in your “down time”—instead of spending your non-work time running errands and cleaning house, get out and go swimming, eating a Popsicle on the back porch and go for a bike ride. I find that doing anything seasonal—from grilling food for dinner during the week (not just barbecue on the weekends), stopping off at the farmer’s market for fresh fruit and veggies, laying in the backyard and watching the stars, going fishing, etc.—helps me to experience summer too. Do not save up all your seasonal leisure for the weekends—take in a baseball game on a weeknight, go for ice cream after dinner, or go for an evening walk. It is possible to cram plenty of summer into our months too—even if we still have to work!