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Are You Experiencing Budget Burnout?

It is very easy to become burned out when it comes to budgeting. This problem magnifies when one spouse is a budgeter and the other is not. This can create a tension in the relationship, because one spouse is constantly asking the other if there is money to spend this or that or even worse just randomly spending the money on unexpected things. So how do you deal with budget burnout?

One way to help avoid is to have both spouses plan the budget. It is important that you set up a realistic budget that you are both comfortable with. This is great because you are both in on the financial decisions. You are aware of your situation and you should know if you are moving forwards or backwards. Then if one person is better at tracking, that person can track the money and you can have a short meeting each week to evaluate the spending in each category. Or if neither of you is good at tracking expenses you can spend a few minutes together each night recording the purchases.

If this is all too much work for you switch to the envelope system. You can also set up most of your bills and savings programs to automatic bill pay. This will save you the time and hassle that so many people hate about budgeting. Keep in mind that the longer you budget the better you will become at it.

Now what happens if you have been budgeting for several years and you are just plain tired of it. You want to take a break, but you do not want to end up worse off than you were before—what should you do? It is a good idea to find some extra motivation. Treat yourself to a trip you have been saving up for or start planning one and save up for it. You can also see if your spouse is able to take on a little bit more responsibility with the finances.

Occasionally it is important to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Are you better off than you were seven years ago? Are you making a difference in the amount you are saving? Are you closer to getting out of debt? Do your financial dreams seem attainable? If you answer yes to these questions, you know that budgeting is working. This can help you to continue doing it.

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