In 2004, Weight Loss Wars was started to help motivate people to lose weight. This has become so successful that Weight Loss Wars is heading into its 7th year. The approach to this weight loss competition is through a social networking group very similar to another popular social networking group. The big difference is that everyone at Weight Loss Wars shares a common goal…..losing weight.
As well as socializing through the web you are able to discover new recipes that are tasty and healthy, track your progress with weight and exercise and journal, as well as taking a peek into the lives of others who may also have the same struggles as you do. You are also able to form groups and compete against others, such as your family and friends. You are in charge of the program as to who you want to compete against and what you want to compete for.
Once you get into your “arena” you can then participate in a group pow-wow! Your “board’ is customized however you like with your own personalized touch to reflect your personality. Your weight throughout this program is never revealed. Only the loss is reflected on your board. Or, if you wish, you can choose to be completely private and let only the people that you want to be able to view it. If you are really shy you do not have to tell a soul and only use this board to help yourself become more motivated by the inspiration of others.
There is no fee for signing on to this website, as it is completely free. However, if you do choose to compete there is a fee of $10. For more details on how you can get started on “Weight Loss Wars” head on over to and read all about this fantastic motivational grabber for weight loss success.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media and health.