I took my daughter who just turned 9 to the pediatrician for her yearly checkup and I knew that the FDA suggested that the HPV vaccine be given to girls 8 years and older. I asked the pediatrician about it and he seemed shocked that I brought it up. Now granted I live in the Bible belt of America but was it really that shocking that I would bring it up.
The pediatrician said that he pediatrician association is recommending girls 11 and up be given this vaccine. He said he had his daughters given the vaccine but that less than 20% of the patients at the practice of 5 doctors will allow it given to their daughters.
Well if you do not know what the HPV vaccine is or why it is shocking to me that parents are refusing it be given to their daughters let me explain.
HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus it is a disease that is transmitted through intimate contact. HPV is the virus that is believed to cause 70% of cervical cancers diagnosed, 70% of vaginal cancers diagnosed and 50% of vulvar cancers in women.
Did you know about 30 women everyday are diagnosed with cervical cancer? I was shocked by that. I had done some research about the HPV vaccine and found out it was not only created for woman but because HPV is transmitted sexually it is also recommended that boys get the vaccine also.
Not only so they don’t give HPV to their partners but also because HPV also causes 90% of genital warts that affect both boys and girls. There has been research that shows that HPV is also known to cause cancers in the male genitals.
Look I get it you sit there looking at your sweet kids whether they are boys or girls and you don’t want to think of them becoming sexually active. I totally get it teach your kids your personal beliefs about it. HPV cannot only affect you as a teenager but let’s say your daughter or son waits until marriage for adult relations can you guarantee their spouse has? OK so if we go with that example if you have the chance when they are younger to protect them from getting an STD or cancer why wouldn’t you?
I already told our pediatrician that at the next check-ups for our sons I wanted them to get the vaccine and when my daughter turns 11 and comes in for her exam she is getting it too.