(cc)image by SuziJane/flickr
Remember when your kid’s style was a reflection of your own style?
It’s amazing how a perfectly neat well put together elementary aged child, turns into a teen whose since of style either becomes bizarre, or slovenly. I have a bit of both on my hands.
The boy used to dress like a miniature man. If Dad wore it, then he wanted one. He requested ties, khaki’s and dress shirts when we went shopping. He preferred shoes over sneakers and sandals.
Now he just wants to be covered. As long as nothing important is showing, he could care less what he looks like. He will wear pants that are too short, or too long. His shirts could have buttons or not, as long as they are in layers. We think the goal is to just get dressed once a week and peel off layers as they get dirty. His last clothing request was for a hooded sweatshirt.
My daughter is a different story. The cute little girl I used to dress up in matching two piece outfits and frills now is more interested in color than anything else. The more colors, the merrier…all at one time. Yes, I am raising a mini Fashionista… only I don’t understand the style she is going for.
I guess the good news is that it could be worse. My son’s pants don’t sag and his shirts aren’t ten sizes too big, as is the typical style of most teens these days, and my daughter allows us to edit her clothing choices for length and decency.
While I would love to see my teens dress in more subdued styles like they did when they were six, I know I should be glad that they don’t break rules of decency and decorum that my husband and I require.
If all else fails and you have no choice but to work and leave your teen to their own devices, it would be wise to get them involved in an activity that would take up their spare time.
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