In general, I find that when I am explaining the sort of work that I do to other people, they think it sounds far more fascinating and “fun” that it actually is. I think this is fairly typical—other jobs can sound much more interesting than ours since we know all the drudgery and details that go into a typical work day for us. Still, people are much more likely to want to do business with those people whom they perceive as being interesting and happy with the work they are doing. Are we sending a message to our clients and customers that we are boring or interesting in our business operations?
The more we complain or share the daily drudgery with our customers and clients, the more they may think that we hate our jobs or that we are so bored and boring that they do not want to do business with us. I am not advocating making a big circus out of your work or faking like you are always happy and interesting—but focusing on the “fun” stories, sharing new information, and sharing how passionate you truly are about the work you are doing can inspire people to actually WANT to do business with you.
So, how can you be sure that you are being interesting and not boring? Are you talking about interesting things? People respond to human interest stories and anecdotes more than they do stories about equipment or “stuff.” Sharing information about new products and services or changes in the market can be helpful—especially if you are able to focus on it from a different or inspiring point of view. Humor is another way that we can be more interesting—sharing some of the funny details and making our clients laugh at life’s realities is a great deal more fun that complaining or overly-sarcastic comments.
All in all, I think the most important thing is when we genuinely enjoy the work we do with our businesses. If you are excited and interested in your business—it will come across to others.
See Also: The Right Attitude for Each Situation
Is it Possible to Make Health Fun and Interesting?