I know that the title for this blog seems like an invitation to self-loathing, but it’s not going to be that sort of an article I promise! Of course we can’t always be everything and do everything we hope and intend—especially as home business owners, BUT, since we don’t have traditional annual evaluations in our home businesses, it can’t hurt to do a little evaluation and ask ourselves if we are living up to our own expectations.
It is so easy to let the day-to-day realities get us down and we start to let go of things. Maybe it’s just one or two things at first, but then, over time, things add up and pretty soon we are very far off the original course we set for ourselves when we opened the doors to our home-based business. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing—maybe we’ve discovered a path that is better! Or, we’ve stumbled onto a better way of doing business than we ever thought possible when we conceived of our businesses. However, for many of us, letting go of our expectations, means letting pieces of our business slip.
It is never too late to make changes and get back on course! At least that is my opinion on such things. By doing a little check-in with yourself periodically (annually?) and asking yourself if you are meeting or living up to expectations that you set for yourself—you can see if you need to make slight or major shifts to get the vessel back on track. There may definitely be some expectations that we need to let go of—perfectionism and life changes taken into consideration, but with all that planning we did at the onset of our home businesses, it might be worthwhile to stay in touch with our original expectations and check in now and again to see where we are.
Also: Holding Yourself Accountable
Do You Know What You’re Hoping to Accomplish?