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Are You Opposites… Politically?

I’m curious what it might be like to be a fly on the wall in a politically mixed home during such a hotly contested election as this. The 2006 Midterm Elections will definitely fill news cycles for some time to come.

Obviously, spouses want to be respectful of each other’s views and values, but I’m betting things can get kind of interesting on a day like today when the two have diametrically opposed ideologies.

I know one couple that is made up of two total clowns who tease each other mercilessly, although it is in the spirit of fun. They have been known to have some strenuous debates on hot topic issues, where both come out swinging (figuratively), yet I’ve never seen either one walk away angry. I think it’s cool that at the end of the day, they get along well with each other despite their very strong differences.

Another couple I know is not nearly as “open-minded” toward each other’s views, or so it seems. They argue bigtime over nearly every issue imaginable. It’s rare to see them chatting comfortably or laughing together. Both are good people and they apparently don’t find the constant “debate” to be a problem. When asked by other people how they manage when they constantly disagree, they don’t seem to know what all the fuss is about. It’s just how they relate to each other.

My husband is conservative, although he tends to lean neo-conservative. That’s fine with me, as he is of course entitled to his opinions. I have to admit I’m glad that we see things the same way on the most serious matters, because on some things, I cannot in good conscience compromise.

What’s the political climate like at your house today? Do you and your spouse tend to agree politically?

Related Reading:

Opposites Attract, but Can it Work?

Marriage Debates: Today is Election Day

Make Your Voice Heard on Marriage Debates and More: Vote!