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Are You Trapping Yourself in a Box?

When I wrote yesterday about creativity and ways to get those creative juices flowing, I also started thinking about how we can create plans and structures in our home businesses that actually inhibit creativity. Our approach to organization can be so structured that we actually trap ourselves in a box and have a hard time getting out…

Having systems and plans and getting organized in your home business is important–for those of us with busy lives, we need structure to keep all those balls in the air. Plus, one of the problems that many home business owners face is just trying to professionalize their operations. If you have created those organizational structures then you are on the right track. But, too much of a good thing can paint us into a corner.

If your home business structure is so rigid that it is keeping you from trying new things or taking risks with your business, then you may need to re-think things. What are some ways you can shake things up? Are you going to the same business meetings or only working with the same clients or customers because it is safe and predictable? If you get in too tight of a rut then when things change (which they inevitably will) you won’t have the resilience and flexibility that can help a business adjust. Not to mention that you may not be able to problem-solve or think creatively if you have thing running on a very rigid schedule.

When was the last time you tried something different? When was the last time you rearranged your schedule or took a class or even went to a different networking event? Branch out–get outside of the box that you have built for your home business and try something new, it may be just what you need to invigorate things.