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Are You Using Your College Degree?

Previously I commented on how many readers we had here at Families.com that hold very high educational degrees. Some of these readers are working at a job that is related to their field and some are proud stay-at-home moms. Others have taken a change in heart and are pursuing something completely different than they were educated for doing.

I have four very close friends who choose to be stay-at-home moms. All four hold a college degree and worked in their field before having children. I also have a couple of friends who hold a college degree in one area of study but hold a job in a different area.

Earning a college degree is not a walk in the park. It takes a lot of discipline, money, time, and effort to earn some degrees, especially higher ones.

My degree (both bachelor’s and master’s) is in teaching. I have no other degrees and have not worked in any other field since I graduated from college.

My thoughts today are on those people who hold a degree but not work in a field related to their degree. Rather it is that you changed your mind, that you are unable to find a suitable job in your degree, or you choose to work as a mom.

Does it bother you that you are not using the degree that you worked so hard to earn?

I can imagine that it likely would not bother me if my efforts were placed on my children and I was working as a mommy. However, once my children started school I think that I too would want to be back out into the work force of teachers.

So if you are out there and you are not putting your college degree to use, do you regret not using it or do you regret ever earning it in the first place?

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