We home business owners are working up against a few stereo-types. The Work-at-Home-Mom (WAHM as we like to call her in this blog) can often be mistaken for a slacker who is not committed to her work or customers and people may assume that since they are working with someone who is running a business out of his or her home, it’s not professional or reliable. Of course, we know this is wrong, wrong, wrong! But, how are we letting our customers know that?
I think we need to let our customers KNOW that we are going the extra mile and working hard to build a business and care for a family. Of course, this involves some self-reflection on our part to evaluate whether or not we are willing to go the extra mile and we are giving good service to our customers and clients. And, this certainly doesn’t mean putting our family at risk or on the back burner to prove a point to a customer. But, since chances are, we are already working our buns off to do good work and balance our lives, we need to change the stereotype and the minds of our customers and clients by letting them know.
There are several phrases and communication tips that will convey to your customers how dedicated you are. Anything involving the word “expect” is good: “You can expect my extra effort,” “Expect your order on Tuesday,” “Expect a phone call from me to tell you that your order has been placed,” etc. By setting your customers up to know that they can expect good service from you and then following through–you’re showing them your dedication.
Letting customers know that you are “available” and “approachable” also combat the flaky WAHM image. Promptly returning calls and e-mails, telling your customers your best times of availability (and then being available at those times) and setting realistic expectations also show customers that you are committed and on top of things. Now, I’m not suggesting that you tell your customers every time you are working when you’d rather be with your family, or carry on about how many hours you worked last weekend–that really just comes off as whining and customers wonder why you can’t get your life under control. No, it’s more in the subtle and constant ways you let your clients know that you are available and working to get the job done with their well-being in mind. Only make promises you can keep and then make sure your customers know you’ve delivered!