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Are Your Shoes Making Your Home Dirty?

Do you know how most dirt and contaminants get into your home? You carry them in on your shoes. Think about all the places you walk in a normal day. When you cross a street all the road dirt from car exhaust, oil, other leaking engine fluids and whatever is on peoples tires get on your shoes. Walking down the side walk you may walk through dog urine, dried vomit, spilled food and drinks, among other things. When you walk across grass you shoes pick up whatever pesticides and fertilizers were used to keep that grass green and lush.

Then you come home and walk across your carpet and floors transferring all that outdoor dirt onto the surfaces your family uses. If you have babies they are belly down on that carpet, toddlers are picking things up off the kitchen floor and popping them into their mouths. Even older children sit on the floor to play video games, touching the carpet with the same hands that put snacks in their mouths.

Not only is it disgusting to think of the dirt we are transferring into our homes, it is also a health hazard. A report called the Door Mat Study says that lead contaminated soil that we inadvertently bring into our homes causes almost all the lead dust in our homes. We all know how dangerous lead is to children.

One of the easiest way to reduce this is to ask everyone to remove their shoes at the door. Have a shoe tray by every door and slippers and clean socks available for guests. You may think that is extreme but would you get into bed with your shoes on? Maybe put them on your pillow when you take them off for the night? Of course not, but think about all the tine your family spends laying on your carpet. Even I lay on the carpet when I play with the dogs or play a game with Ivy.

Don’t feel uncomfortable about asking people to remove their shoes. It’s your home and your family health, so ask, all they can do is say no. Most people won’t have a problem with it, especially if you have something for them to put on. Some people will never remove their shoes, when that happens, let it go. The important thing is to reduce the amount of dirt brought in, not the number of visitors.