When you lose weight it is such a great feeling, isn’t it? You are feeling good and your self-confidence has soared. If you have lost a great deal of weight, however, there is still one more thing that is bothering you. The loose skin. If you have been exercising right along with dieting you will fare better than those who just diet alone without the means of exercise. Even so some will still have some areas on their body that they just cannot seem to tone up.
A crucial area for many is the little flap of skin underneath your arm. You know what I am talking about. The part that jiggles when you go to wave hello or good-bye. Yeah, that. It is annoying, isn’t it? You have tried weight lifting to no avail. Some have better luck at toning this area than others do. What can you do about it? You can either continue your attempts at toning this area through the use of weights and hope for the best, never wear sleeveless shirts again, or have a brachioplasty.
During a brachioplasty the loose skin and tissues is removed. Your arm is then sewn back together. The incision that the surgeon makes for this type of surgical procedure is commonly a long one in the shape of a T. This incision begins from the underside of the top of your upper arm down to your elbow. It might also be necessary to make other incisions on the inside of your upper arm. Beware though, it will leave significant scarring. This type of surgery is not to be taken lightly, as it is considered major surgery.
A hospital stay after being operated on is typically a few days. The cost is high, but for many well worth it, as their self-esteem increases tremendously. Complications of the surgery are bleeding, abscesses, infection, and of course, pain. Bandages need to be worn for approximately 6 weeks and for the first 3 weeks you will have to comply with limited hand and arm movement.
If you can live with your batwings, then do so. Your arms will firm up somewhat without it if you concentrate on your weight lifting efforts. For those of you who can take time off from their lives, have some money put away that they will not miss, and are continually plagued by self-consciousness because of the batwings then they should consider this surgery.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, health, and media.