Say it with me: pain is good. Not necessarily because you like it, but because it is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Things that don’t hurt physically aren’t always as likely to get your attention, right? I’m guilty of that one too. I know something is not quite right, but until it starts to hurt, I can ignore it.
But just because pain is helpful doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Aromatherapy can help manage pain in several different ways. Picking the right essential oils for your muscle rub, massage oil, or lotion can help ease the pain and promote healing.
Swelling or inflammation is to blame for a lot of the pain we suffer. An infected cut, a sprained ankle, even menstrual cramps and certain types of headache have inflammation at the heart of the pain. Essential oils that are great for reducing swelling are German chamomile, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, marjoram, and rose. In case of infection, add a little tea tree essential oil to your rub or lotion for its antibacterial power.
Aches like arthritis can be relieved by bringing heat and circulation to the painful spots. The warmth helps nerves and muscles relax. Warming essential oils like pepper, cinnamon, clove, ginger, and peppermint can be very helpful, but should be used gingerly (if you’ll pardon the pun). Be sure they are diluted in massage oil or lotion before using. And don’t use these warming oils on injuries with swelling — they will only make the swelling worse.
Reducing stress and relaxing your body can help lessen the intensity of pain. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, and others can help you reduce both stress and pain.
When all else fails… dull the pain directly. Essential oils that help numb your nerve endings:
- Clove bud
- Chamomile
- Helichrysum
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
Clove bud is a very potent essential oil. Use care when handling and be sure to dilute it if you are planning to use clove in a massage oil or lotion.
Whatever your aches and pains are, pick your essential oils and mix 1-2 drops into 1-2 ounces of carrier oil or lotion. Don’t overdo the essential oils; a little goes a long way. Do not apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin — they are concentrated plant essences that are too strong for use without being diluted.