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Art Class Adventures

My three year old son loves art. He loves to paint, draw, and build. When I saw an opportunity for him to take a one hour art class this summer at the local art center, I immediately signed him up for an art class two months in advance. I put the event into my digital calendar so that I would receive a reminder a day in advance. With anything out of the ordinary, if it is not in the calendar set with a reminder, I will forget about it.

The day of his art class arrived, I was reminded the day before of course. We all had breakfast together. Daddy left for work and we left for the art class. Since I had not been to the art center in a very long time (I was five or six the last time), I had no idea what to expect. I came as prepared as I could. My son was dressed in clothes that could get dirty and I remembered the carrier for my daughter. We showed up ten minutes early, found out where we needed to be, and signed in for the class. A couple minutes before the class started one of the art teachers brought out some “portfolios” with each child’s name on it. The children were then invited to decorate their portfolio with markers. Like most of the other children, my son was thrilled. Once invited into the art room where the class was taking place, we saw seven different stations with different art activities to do. The children put on art smocks and got to work! My son was drawn to the standing easels set up for painting with lots of different instruments (toy cars, stamps, brushes, rollers, etc.) He was enjoying painting so much that he did not want to move on to something different but with a little coaxing and a firm hand, we moved on to something new….

(To be continued …)