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Asian Coleslaw

If you have never had this, you do not know what you are missing! A girl I worked with once brought it to a potluck lunch at work and I loved it. But, over the years, I forgot about it. Yesterday, the mom hosting our playgroup made it. Her recipe had a couple of different ingredients, but it was still delicious!

For this recipe, you will need green cabbage, red cabbage, two bell peppers, carrots, green onions, fresh cilantro, two packages of oriental Ramen noodles, sliced almonds, sesame seeds, two medium tomatoes, white wine vinegar, vegetable oil, and white sugar.

To prep for this recipe, you will need to slice enough of the green cabbage to make 5 cups and enough of the red cabbage to make 2 cups. Julienne two carrots. If you don’t feel like doing all this, you can use prepackaged coleslaw mix. Thinly slice your green bell peppers and chop six green onions and enough fresh cilantro to make 1/2 cup. Deseed and dice both tomatoes.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Spread the two packages of ramen noodles, 1/2 cup of sliced almonds, and 3 tablespoons of sesame seeds on a cookie sheet. Place in the oven for 8 minutes or until lightly brown.

In a large bowl, combine the 5 cups of sliced green cabbage, 2 cups of red cabbage, the sliced bell peppers, green onions, tomatoes, 1/2 cup of chopped cilantro, and the julienned carrots. Then add the toasted noodles, sliced almonds, and sesame seeds. Stir well.

To make the dressing, whisk together 6 tablespoons of white wine vinegar, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of white sugar, and the seasoning packets from the Ramen noodle packages.

Pour the dressing over the slaw and toss well right before serving. This makes a great side dish or you can even cook some chicken and add it to the coleslaw to make a complete meal!

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).