My husband comes from a big family of boys, there are four of them and his dad. Our son is just eight months old, but they are always swooping him up and throwing him in the air. I was glad once when he threw up on one of his uncles. My husband gives me a hard time, because he says the baby is having fun so why am I so opposed. Help?
I don’t blame you for being concerned. Honestly, you have to be careful when you are throwing a baby up in the air, your baby can’t communicate how they are feeling and while some babies do love it, that doesn’t mean that it is safe. Your son throwing up on one of his uncles is one problem that throwing the baby up into the air can cause.
But there are many other injuries that can result from baby being thrown. Throwing your baby up in the air is just as bad as shaking a baby in anger. One problem is whiplash, remember, your baby’s head is a lot heavier than the rest of his or her body and they are doing their best to build neck strength, but throwing them up in the air can cause their head to whip back and forth.
This can also cause their brain to bounce against the inside of their skull. If their brain is bruised; it can cause bleeding, swelling, pressure and other, perhaps permanent and fatal neurological damage. This is one of the worst-case scenarios, but there are others.
Eye Injuries
Shaking or throwing the baby up in the air, can actually cause an injury to their eyes. If the retina becomes detached or there is damage to the optic nerve, it can also cause blindness and other vision problems. This damage can also be compounded if the baby is crying or swinging upside down. This increases the blood pressure in their head.
Sound like a horror story waiting to happen? You would be right. If your son is fine, be grateful for it because it means he hasn’t been harmed and if you have concerns, you should take him to see your pediatrician. You can still fly your baby around, as long as you support him by the trunk of his body and keep him secure.
Be Gentle With Your Baby
Despite how strong and vigorous our babies are, they are also extremely delicate and fragile. It would be a crying shame to cause a severe injury when the baby is so young and the intent is just to play with them. Tell your husband and your brothers and show them there are plenty of safe ways to ‘rough house’ with the baby, but just as they wouldn’t shake him in fury – they shouldn’t shake him by throwing him up in the air.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
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