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Attitudes: The All-Powerful Individual

One of the most prevalent attitudes in today’s society is the general attitude that the individual is all-powerful. What exactly do I mean by the attitude that the individual is all-powerful? A person who has the attitude of an “individual who is all powerful” is one who thinks he does not need any help from anyone else, one who thinks he is wise enough to handle all situations, and one who thinks he can do everything on there own.

Why is this attitude important to the Christian? It is important because it the complete opposite of the attitude that a Christian should have as they live their life in the Lord. Sometimes we need (myself included) a reminder of the traps which exist in the world all around us. Many of these traps are what I would consider “worldly, cultural attitudes” which do not exhibit the characteristics that a Christian should portray. When an individual demonstrates an attitude that they can do everything themselves without God, they are in very dangerous territory. Consider Jeremiah 10:23: “I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.”

I think the realization that one cannot do everything on his own, and that one cannot save himself, but that one needs the Lord is a very humbling thought. I also think that this type of thinking is a necessary part of a Christian’s walk in the Lord. If a Christian has the egotistical attitude that he cannot handle everything himself, and that he does not need anyone’s help (specifically God’s guidance through His Word) then that individual is not submitting to God. People need knowledge of the Word in order to walk according to the ways of the Lord, rather than the ways of the World.

Over the next month I hope to write about other types of “worldly, cultural attitudes” that Christians must be aware of and avoid. I also hope to contrast that with the good attitudes which Christians should display as they continue their walk in the Lord.

All Scripture references are taken from the ESV (English Standard Version).