The visiting teaching message for August is titled, A Society of Holy Women. Do we think of ourselves as holy?
I don’t know if I could say that I truly do think of myself as holy. I know that I strive to do what is right, keep my covenants, and attend my church meetings. I try to dress appropriately, and teach my children right from wrong. Does that make me holy?
When I think of a holy person, I think of someone that just radiates purity. I think of someone like our prophet, a strong and faithful missionary, or a loving bishop. I don’t necessarily think of the everyday women as being holy. Yet, the message speaks of our activity in Relief Society as making us holy. It says, “The work of Relief Society is holy, and doing holy work creates holiness in us.”
So, in doing my visiting teaching, I am creating holiness inside me. In attending my meetings and listening and pondering the lesson, I’m doing the same. In cleaning the ward building when it is the turn of the relief society sisters, then all of these things are helping me to become holy.
The article continues to say, “In our service a new dimension is added to our lives. We progress spiritually, and our sense of belonging, identity, and self-worth increases. We realize that the whole intent of the gospel plan is to provide an opportunity for us to reach our fullest potential.”
It also speaks of our influence. How we cannot assume that we are in our own sphere or isolated and that our lives to do not impact other lives. Every sister in Relief Society that is doing something for good, is impacting the world as a whole. We are doing the work of the Lord, therefore, it is important and holy.
I am so grateful for Relief Society in my life. I am also grateful to know that I am a daughter of God, and a lot is expected of me. I cannot coast by in this life thinking that my influence does not matter. It matters to Him that is most important.
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