Candace Salima is a multi-talented author, screenwriter, and entrepreneur. Despite her busy schedule, she has taken the time to grant an interview to Candace, thank you for joining us today.
You have written many blogs for the LDS section here at which are still easily found in the archives, but I notice you haven’t posted anything recently. Are you still with the company? Can we expect to see more blogs from you in the future?
Due to many obligations in my life I have had to step back from blogging with for the time being. I have an open invitation to continue when things have slowed down. It is a job I loved very much and feel great sorrow, but familial and professional obligations have caused me to make choices I would rather not have made. I look forward to returning soon.
In addition to being a blogger, you’re also an LDS author. In fact, I posted a blog about your first novel just last month. Can you tell us a little more about the things you write?
Writing is the largest part of who I am, next to being a daughter of God. I have such wide and varied interests and a deep abiding thirst for knowledge that I write in the same way. My favorite type of fiction to read is romantic suspense, so that’s the kind of fiction I write, hence “Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light”. My favorite sport is BYU football, hence the tribute and catching up BYU’s 1984 National Championship Football Team in “13 and 0: Reflections of Champions”. While I was not as enthused as I should have been when approached with the idea, I felt deeply privileged by the time I was done. And then my deepest interest lies in the gospel and I collaborated with author, Elizabeth Cheever, to create “Forged in the Refiner’s Fire.” My upcoming books show the same type of diversity. “Standing on the Fifth: The Long Road” is the book I am co-authoring with famed entertainer, Merrill Osmond. This is an exciting journey into the world of the Hopi, military and much, much more to bring a page-turning exciting action adventure which will entertain on many levels while leaving the reader on the edge of his/her seat. There is some romance in the book, but mostly the characters are developed through the events which they find themselves smack dab in the middle of — it’s an exciting venture for me and my first novel geared toward the national market. “Dreams Die Hard” is the second in the Lost Canyon Springs Series and the sequel to “Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light.” This takes me back to my first love, romantic suspense. Both of these books are scheduled for a February 2007 release. The next book to hit the shelves after that will be a religious nonfiction book, as of yet titled “Untitled Opus No. 3” and will take the reader through many of the issues facing adults today, as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and mentors, addressing each issue from a religious perspective.
So that’s what is currently on my plate.
We will continue our conversation with Candace tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to visit her website to learn more about her.
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