Today we are joined by LDS author and former blogger, Candace Salima, as she hits the Internet to spread the word about her religious nonfiction book, “Forged in the Refiner’s Fire.”
Candace, thank you for sharing your time with us.
“Forged in the Refiner’s Fire” is a compilation book that you put together with your friend, Elizabeth Cheever. How did the two of you come up with the idea for this book?
Initially, Elizabeth contacted me to help in compiling and writing for this
book. When she broached the idea with me, it touched a part of my heart and I
knew that I needed to help her with this book. Certainly, I’ve never pretended that all of us do not face trials and obstacles, of one kind or another, throughout our lives. What I found compelling was the opportunity we had to share with others they were not alone in their times of trouble. We also wanted to share how the Lord touches our lives, especially during times those times, and lifts that burden from us if will let Him.
How did you go about finding the contributors for the book?
We sent out emails to every single person each of us knew asking for stories
of trial or tragedy, specifically seeking those who had drawn closer to the Lord in the process and accepting His aid in overcoming those obstacles. We also talked to everyone we knew and within weeks stories began to pour in. It was an incredible time as we read all the stories and sifted through which ones to use for the book. We wanted stories of great trial but most importantly we wanted stories where the people turned to the Lord and accepted His guidance through those perilous times.
What is the overall theme of the book?
Simply put, none of us was ever meant to walk these perilous paths alone. We are given these trials in order refine our spirits, indeed to overcome weakness and in the process let the Lord turn those weaknesses into strengths, as he did for Enos in the Book of Mormon. In the darkest of times that that bright light is Jesus Christ.
As you’ve spoken to these various people about their challenges and trials, did you notice any common elements in their stories?
Certainly, that each turned to the Savior. Each person whose story was
included in the book grew from their experience and came to understand the
bigger picture the Lord was trying to show them. Without question, we cannot
consider every single trial as coming from the Lord because some things just
happen or are the consequences of our own actions. But each person came to
understand that there was someone, Jesus Christ, who was willing to shoulder
that burden if they were willing to turn it over to him.
How did each of these people overcome their trials?
Each came to different paths and conclusions as they allowed the Lord to
guide them. No one was perfect. No one traversed that path without mistake
or concern. But each one turned to the Lord. How they did it is the part of
the magnificence of the book.
What is the main message you hope the readers of this book will take away?
We aren’t alone. We were never meant to be alone. We will never suffer as
the Savior had to in the Garden of Gethsemane. We will never be forced to
face the trials of Job. But each of us will face trials, they are an
inescapable part of life. But when the Savior said, “Come unto me all ye
that are heavy laden and I shall give you rest,” He meant every single word.
Too many of us never turn to this incredible source of strength, knowledge
and inspiration and it is this message I wish every ready to walk away with.
You do not have to do this alone.
What are you working on now?
I’m working very hard to finish two manuscripts I began awhile ago. I deliberately took time off to care for my husband through the dangerous years of his kidney failure and subsequent transplant, which occurred this past April. Now, with the stress drastically reduced in our lives my muse moved back in and the stories are simply pouring out of my fingers and onto the computer screen. The first which will be finished is tentatively titled “Standing on the Fifth: The Long Road” and is co-authored with Merrill Osmond. The second book, entitled “Dreams Die Hard” which is the long-awaited sequel to “Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light.” It is my hope that one of these will be released by years end and the other in the first to second quarter of next year.
Thank you so much for joining us, Candace. It’s good to see you again, too!
If you would like to learn more about Candace or her books, click here.
Related Blogs:
Out of the Shadows . . . Into the Light
Author Interview – Candace Salima