We are joined today by Nicola Beaumont, an award-winning Christian author. Nicola, congratulations on the awards you have won with your books. Can you tell us a little about those awards and what all goes in to being nominated, and then winning?
Thanks! The award won by “The Resurrection of Lady Somerset” was from the Southwest Writers Workshop. The entry took second place. This was special to me because at the time, I wasn’t even sure I could pen a Regency, so the affirmation from the judges was a real nudge forward.
You mention that you’re a homeschooler, as am I. How do you balance your time between being a teacher, a mother, and a novelist?
Homeschooling is great, isn’t it? I think God gives us balancing skills the moment we become a mother! Seriously, it all comes down to sticking to a schedule. It’s a little easier now my children are older. When they were younger, I used nap time for writing, and as they grew, if they were working on a project, I was writing…or cleaning…or doing laundry.
I noticed on your website that you had two works of fiction released on the same day. I’m sure that was an amazing experience. How did that come about?
That was an amazing experience–and unique. I was so surprised when they gave me the release date on “The Lighthouse.” I actually think it was just a coincidence. “The Resurrection of Lady Somerset” had been set for a September 2007 release for several months. During those months, I was lengthening “The Lighthouse” (it was originally intended to be a short story, but my editor asked me to make it longer). I finished the edits, the manuscript got sent to production, and the next thing I know, my release date is set for the same September day.
Can you give us a brief synopsis on your three published works?
“The Resurrection of Lady Somerset” is a Regency romance. It’s the story of Jonathon, Lord Somerset and Lark Blackwell. Upon his father’s death, Jonathon discovers he must marry Lark in order to keep the family fortune and reputation, but also to keep Lark safe from an unknown danger. . .you might have guessed, there’s a hint of mystery running through this romance, and a lot of twists and turns.
”The Lighthouse” is an inspirational novella. Malachi and Rachel have been friends since childhood. As each begins to fall in love with the other, they fear losing their best-friendship, and so keep their feelings secret. Rachel decides Malachi is never going to love her, so she decides to find Mr.-Almost-Right, who turns out to be bad news. Malachi sees the danger; Rachel doesn’t, so Malachi must save her. This story is somewhat allegorical.
”Hyacinths in Winter” is an inspirational short story about love and forgiveness. Maggie comes home for her mother’s funeral after several years of being estranged from friends and family. She has done some terrible things in the past and doesn’t feel as if forgiveness is even an option…but she learns differently, and finds love in the process.
How did you get the ideas for these stories?
Truthfully, they just come to me. Sometimes something in my or someone else’s life might spark an inkling of an idea that just morphs into complete fiction by the time I’m finished working it around in my head, but most of the time, I just try to think of a great conflict and how to resolve it–a book is what comes out on the other end of that.
Nicola, thank you for spending some time with us today. It’s been fun and interesting getting to know you.
If you would like to know more about Nicola, you can visit her website here.