Today we are joined by author Marianne Arkins. Marianne, thank you for agreeing to chat with us today.
On your site, you describe your books as “sassy, sweet romance.” Can you tell me a little more about that?
The “sassy” comes from the fact that I have a difficult time keeping a completely straight face in my writing. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part my heroines have a little snark, or I have strange secondary characters or unusual pets.
The “sweet?” That’s because, at least thus far, none of my stories or novels have fully consummated loves scenes—on or offstage—and my short stories seldom get much past a heated kiss. I love sexual tension, and use a lot of it in my longer works, but I don’t believe that people always leap into bed with one another.
Would you tell me a little bit about each of your books, including publication information and where our readers can buy them?
Goodness… let’s see.
I have one full length novel available in eBook format at this time (it’ll be available in print near the end of 2008 and you can purchase it at that time from any bookstore) entitled “One Love For Liv” and it can be purchased here.
I have several short stories, in many genres, available from The Wild Rose Press.
How long have you been writing?
Forever? I wrote my first novel (such as it was) in fourth grade and never really stopped. I dabbled off and on for several years, but didn’t really start writing with the ultimate goal of seeking publication until shortly after my daughter was born in 1999. At that time, I joined Writers Village University, met some amazing writers, discovered the joy of critique groups and never looked back. My first story was accepted at The Wild Rose Press in August of 2006, and the rest is history.
I noticed that you finaled in the Avon Teen Novel Writing Contest. What was that like, and has that book been published?
Let’s see if I can remember that far back—it was twenty-three years ago! I remember getting a lovely letter from them, a very encouraging rejection. In fact, I’d be willing to bet I still have that filed away somewhere. Was that story ever published? No. Will it be? Probably not… though I never entirely forget a story or a character. I’d be willing to bet that, at some point, I’ll write something loosely based on it. And, yes, I do still have that manuscript.
What projects are you working on now?
I have several irons in the fire. I’m working on finishing a full mystery that I started last year. I have a fantasy romance that I began for NaNoWriMo in 2007, but only got about 16,000 words in. I love the characters and the story, so am planning on finishing that as well. I have two more light romances that are completed, and just need spit-shining to make them good enough for submitting. I’m sure I’ll think of more stories as time passes. A shortage of ideas is seldom a problem for me.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
I love Jenny Crusie! She’s a hoot to read, and her stories are remarkable complex. I’m also a Nora Roberts fan, both as herself and as J.D. Robb. Some recent additions to my “auto buy” list are Deborah MacGillivray and Lyndsay Sands. But, honestly, I find really amazing, good authors all the time!
Which of your books was the most fun to write? The hardest to write?
“One Love For Liv” was probably the most fun because it was another NaNoWriMo book, and I kept throwing in strange “dares” from their forums to keep the words flowing. As a result, I have some odd situations and one really strange character in the story that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
The hardest? I think they’re all tough in their way. But if I had to choose, I’d say “Playing House” (as-yet-unpublished) because it was my first serious foray into writing for publication. That story constantly morphed because I was learning correct technique as I wrote it.
Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with us today, Marianne.
Marianne’s e-book, “One Love for Liv,” will be available on February 12th, and you can learn more about it here. Please visit her website or her blog, and for the most up-to-date news and information, you can join her announcement only newsletter.
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