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Author Update – Julie Coulter Bellon on Her New Book

adacadcaSince we last spoke with author Julie Coulter Bellon, she’s released a new novel for the LDS fiction market, “All’s Fair.” I reviewed it earlier today and you can read my thoughts on it here. Now Julie joins us again to talk about this latest development and what might be ahead for her.

Julie, “All’s Fair” is your fourth novel for the LDS market and in my opinion, your best to date. Do you have a favorite out of the four?

Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! That’s a hard question for me, because each book I’ve written has a special place in my heart, but I really do love “All’s Fair.” I guess if I had to choose, I would say that “All’s Fair” is my current favorite.

Your story is set in the midst of our current war on terror. How did you conduct your research?

I obviously read a lot on Iraq, the country, the climate, and the people. I also read soldiers’ blogs and newspaper articles, but the amazing part of my research when I was introduced to Marine Corporal Matthew Blair who was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq. Matthew and his entire unit patiently answered all of my questions—and there were a lot! Since they were actually in the country I was writing about, fighting the war that I was describing, it definitely helped to make it more realistic. I really wanted readers to feel like they were there, experiencing it along with the soldiers and to perhaps see it all from a different perspective.

Your main female character, Kristen, is a whiz at politics. Do you have politics in your background, or was this another area to research?

I have helped on political campaigns before and thoroughly enjoyed the energy there, but for “All’s Fair” I also interviewed some politicians to make sure I had all the details and parameters correct.

You recently held a charity drive to benefit our soldiers serving in the Middle East. Can you tell us a little bit about that? What kind of response did you get?

In conjunction with the release of “All’s Fair,” I recently held a charity drive called ‘Skittles for Soldiers.’ I collected 713 pounds of food and hygiene items that will be sent in care packages to our troops overseas. I was amazed and overwhelmed at the incredible response we got and the generosity of Utahns. It brings tears to my eyes because I know how much these little touches of home mean to our military men and women. It really lets them know that they are not forgotten and their sacrifices are appreciated.

Can you tell us some of the things you learned about our servicemen and women while writing this book?

I think I’ve met some of the most patriotic and loyal people that I’m ever going to meet. It amazes me that they get up every day, in difficult circumstances, to do their duty. They’re away from home and family, under less than favorable conditions, and are still so proud to serve their country. My own grandfather was a decorated Korean War veteran and I understand a little more about his feelings and his experiences. Researching and writing “All’s Fair” has really given me a perspective on those in the military that I didn’t have before.

Thank you for sharing this insight with us, Julie!

We’ll continue our talk with author Julie Coulter Bellon tomorrow. In the meantime, you can learn more about her here.

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