Childless Couples

For many married couples, having children is something that they believe in and something they’ve always wanted, but for others, it’s neither an option nor even a desire. Some couples go into a marriage knowing one or both persons are unable to conceive. For others, the choice is not to have children. Is such a choice a bad thing? There are many reasons not to have children, but even in today’s society, it’s not a popular choice. People who choose not to conceive or adopt may be viewed as selfish, yet one can build a case of selfishness against couples … Continue reading

How to Have Fun despite the Challenges of Marriage

Every couple faces the burdens and challenges of life, but the couple that laughs together, stays together. At least that’s more likely to be the case. There are no guarantees, but truly, a sense of humor is one of the best ways to cope with difficulties and challenges that arise in life, and in a marriage. This doesn’t mean you don’t take anything seriously, it simply means you’ve decided to lighten up and look on the bright side of things. Having fun means going out on dates with the one you love, taking day trips, and going on hikes and … Continue reading

Coping With Unfulfilled Needs in Marriage

No matter who you talk to, at one time or another, all of us have experienced that feeling that our needs aren’t being met. Whether those needs are physical, psychological, or spiritual, unfulfilled needs are very real. Unfulfilled needs plague people from all walks of life. The rich as well as the poor experience it. Religious people as well as secular people experience it. Children as well as adults complain about it. So what is this thing inside of us that makes us long for something more, and how do we handle it in a marriage situation? First of all, … Continue reading

Rebuilding Trust after an Affair

One of the most devastating things a person can go through in a marriage relationship is broken trust, specifically being the victim of a spouse’s affair. A whole host of emotions are released when discovering your spouse has cheated, and none of them are positive. In fact, many find that depression and rage are the two most common emotions experienced. Is it possible to rebuild trust after an affair? Is it desirable to stay with your spouse after he or she broke the marriage vows? The answer is yes, but it won’t be easy. Finding it within you to forgive … Continue reading

Is it Time for Counseling?

When do you know if your marriage needs help? Are there signs? Do all couples need counseling after several years of marriage? Most couples have issues or problems that occur. That’s just life. The best time to get counseling is when one or both people in the marriage feel they cannot work out a compromise or come to a logical solution. Reaching such a point is not something to be ashamed of. Rather, it shows that both people are at least consenting to the fact that they need help. Seeking counseling is a courageous step to take. How do you … Continue reading

How does Television’s Portrayal of Marriage affect Your Own?

Do you ever feel like you have to keep up with the fictional characters on your favorite soaps or evening shows? Do perfect couples portrayed on television and in movies make you feel as though your marriage just doesn’t fit the bill? Do the romances and love stories reenacted on the big screen make you feel like something is missing in your own life? Most people are aware that movies are fictional, yet these movies still have an influence on our moods. Women, especially, wish their husbands were more like the romantic heroes in their favorite movies. Yet, in reality, … Continue reading

Does Your Mate have more Friends of the Opposite Sex?

For many couples, an irritant that often flares up is the fact that one spouse has more friends of the opposite sex. This problem doesn’t just happen; is has usually always been the case, even prior to marriage. The question is was it ever resolved? Usually the person that feels stressed about his or her spouse’s friends is perceived as the one with a problem, but in reality, the spouse with lots of friends of the opposite sex may be the one with the problem. It should never come down to a choice between one’s friends and one’s spouse, but … Continue reading

Planning a Second Honeymoon

For many couples, planning a second honeymoon is an exciting time. It gives them a chance to relive their honeymoon, but this time with more working experience concerning the person they love and married. A second honeymoon is the perfect time to renew your commitment not only to the marriage, but to each other and set new goals for the future. Most people plan a wonderful trip, often times more exotic than their first honeymoon, because now they are more financially secure. Yet, many neglect the chance to renew emotional and spiritual commitments by renewing marriage vows. Although some couples … Continue reading

Is Jealousy eating you Alive?

What’s worse, being jealous or being the victim of a jealous spouse? Neither one are fun. If you’ve experienced either, then you know just how helpless and angry you feel in either case. The green-eyed monster rears its ugly head when a person feels threatened or feels like he or she isn’t getting enough attention. Some people are the “jealous type” and don’t need an excuse to experience a bout of jealousy. Usually this is due to self-esteem or control issues. Sometimes it’s uncontrollable and makes the jealous person feel helpless and abandoned. If you experience jealousy, you’re likely to … Continue reading

Religious Differences in the Home

Faith should bring people together, not cause separation, yet when people of different religious backgrounds and persuasions get married, sometimes it causes a rift in a marriage. Is there any way to reconcile the differences in religion, or at least find a measure of peace and unity in the home? Christians are advised in the Bible to not be “unequally yoked” one to another. Many believe that means not marry someone who is not of the same religion or denomination. However, if that counsel wasn’t heeded or understood when you chose your mate, fear not. It doesn’t mean you can’t … Continue reading