About D.J. Nelson


Please Socialize Your Dogs

When I got Snickers he wasn’t the friendliest dog. In fact, after I brought him home he did not come near me for two weeks. My feelings were hurt because I did so much to prepare for this dog and once I brought him home he treated me as if I was out to get him. Let me add that he was almost 2 when I got him. He gradually began to trust me but I knew I had to work to socialize him more. So we would go out to the pet supply shops and walk around, talk to … Continue reading

Dog Feeding Tools

I bought Snickers & Reeses a feeder & waterer over the weekend. I’d wanted to buy a set since last year but I never could justify the cost since they have several bowls. I was quite pleased with my purchase until I began to think, “Am I really so lazy that I can’t put food and water in a bowl everyday?” Then I began to wonder if having the food and water stored like that was sanitary. So here is what I found out about the different dog feeders. Automatic feeders and waterers are idea for people who are always … Continue reading

A Reputable Breeder

There are so many ways to get a dog these days. You can go into a pet store (I don’t recommend this), you can order one off the internet, go to a shelter or buy from a breeder. If you choose to go to a breeder there are a few things you should know. Not all breeders are reputable breeders. A reputable breeder does not breed to make a profit. A reputable breeder will require that you spay or neuter any “pet quality” dogs A reputable breeder will never advertise in the local newspaper. A reputable breeder does not sell … Continue reading

Designer Dogs

I am not into any kind of hype. In fact, hype annoys me. That is why whenever I hear about these “celebrity mixes” or fancy dog breeds I roll my eyes. You know what I am talking about. Jessica Simpson has a Malti-poo. So and so has a Labradoodle. According to CNN.com, “Sought-after mixes, some of which can fetch up to $4,000, are the labradoodle, a cross between the Labrador and the poodle; the schnoodle, a schnauzer-poodle mix; the goldendoodle, a golden retriever-poodle mix; the cockapoo, a cocker spaniel-poodle match; and the yorkipoo, a cross between a Yorkshire terrier and … Continue reading

The Cornish Rex

When I first saw this breed of cat I was shocked. I thought, “What kind of animal is this?” In my opinion, the Cornish Rex looks like a cross between a cat, a rabbit and a kangaroo. Don’t believe me? This cat has a lean build and a naturally arched back. They have small heads, large ears and large eyes. Their fur is short and soft. Some say that to the touch, it feels like silk. It is very similar to the hairs on mice, rabbits and some horses. If you have allergies, don’t be fooled by the short hair. … Continue reading

Kenneling Your Dog: What to Look For

My family does not love dogs so I had to kennel my 2 over the holiday. It wasn’t a pleasant experience as I’d never left them anywhere, but I am sure if I had more time to prepare, it would have been more tolerable for both me and the doggies. Here are some things to consider before you leave your precious friend in a kennel: How clean does the kennel look and smell? An unclean kennel is a fast way for disease to spread. How much exercise and human interacting will your pet receive? How are sudden illnesses addressed? Find … Continue reading

Pack of Angry Chihuahuas Attack Officer

I was logging on to AOL this morning to check my email and that headline stood out. Apparently a 17 year old was being escorted home by an officer and 5 Chihuahuas got out of the house and went for the officer. The officer is fine; he was treated and went back to work less than 2 hours later. That headline sure is sensationalized. Chihuahuas sure do make the news a lot. I wonder why the media is so obsessed with this dog breed. I remember a few months ago there was a story of a man who threw a … Continue reading

My Guilty Pleasure: Pomeranian Dogs

Even though I am a total Chihuahua lover, I have to admit that Pomeranians are the cutest dogs ever. Maybe it’s their compact size, or perhaps it’s their fluffy hair, it might even be their engaging eyes; but it’s something about them that makes me want to have one or two. Here are the stats for this dog: • They usually weigh between 3 and 7 lbs; though the AKC standard is 4-6 lbs. • Their life expectancy is between 12 and 16 years • They are highly intelligent and alert. This means they make great watch dogs. • Though … Continue reading

Top 10 Tips For Beginning Aquarium Lovers

I was never much of a fish fan as a child because as the common saying goes, “fish don’t do anything.” Still, I’ve always enjoyed fish-watching because it’s so relaxing. Often times people allow their children to get fish because they are seen as low maintenance pets. But just because they seem like simple animals, it doesn’t mean that you should do your research. Here are some tips for first-time fish owners: 1. Don’t over feed your fish. Feed them in small quantities and make sure they eat all of it before you add more food. 2. Buy a tank … Continue reading

Indoor Vs. Outdoor Animals?

Whenever I hear people say, “I have an outdoor dog” or “I have an outdoor cat” it confuses me. Why would you get a pet if you are just going to leave it outside? (Obviously I am not referring to barn animals) According to Dr. Dennis Fetko of DrDog.com , “Unless you’re medically intolerant of the dog (and therefore can’t take care of him in a medical emergency, so you shouldn’t have the dog anyway), making a dog stay outside is a costly waste” In his article “Outside Dogs: Why Protection is No Excuse” he goes on to explain that … Continue reading