This Isn’t A One Room School House Kind of Thing – Virtual Learning and Umbrella Schools

In my last blog I introduced some of the options available to homeschoolers who choose to incorporate religious beliefs into their curriculum and the different mediums that are available for the presentation of this material. However, we are just getting started when it comes to options. I mentioned before that some of the companies that offer religious curriculum offer it via virtual learning or cyber schools, which is education that is offered over the internet; this is becoming widely popular. Students correspond and study with instructors and classmates via the internet. There are many public school systems that provide courses … Continue reading

Curriculum Options – Traditional Religious Instruction

Curriculum Options – Traditional Religious Instruction So you have decided to homeschool, now what? Several years ago homeschoolers did not have much to choose from in the way of curriculum and had an even harder time finding their options; not true today. One option is to use curriculum that is traditionally religious based. This type of curriculum approaches learning from a creationist view as opposed to an evolutionary one. Many Christian religious based curriculum companies offer testing services, grading, record keeping, and diplomas. With some you have the option of teacher assistance or you can take care of everything yourself. … Continue reading

Am I Qualified For This? Homeschooling Your Children.

Am I Qualified For This? I am always amused when I hear parents say “I wish that I could homeschool my children, but I don’t know how to teach.” Whether parents realize it or not they are their child’s first teacher. Your child’s first learning experience happened in the home. They learned to walk, talk, dress themselves, rode their bicycles under your supervision. Chances are when your children were very young you playfully taught them their alphabet through songs and learned shapes and numbers through games. You taught your children morals, manners, and arranged play dates for social interactions. Your … Continue reading

Why Homeschool?

Why Homeschool? There are so many benefits and reasons why, but here are just a few: 1. You are your child’s influence. 2. Homeschooled children score at or above average on standardized tests. 3. The world is your classroom. Students are no longer confined to a desk in order to learn. 4. Colleges and universities welcome homeschooled students. There are scholarships for homeschooled students as well. 5. Homeschooling promotes learning experiences relevant to real world experiences. 6. Homeschooling brings your family closer together. 7. You choose your children’s curriculum. 8. Homeschooling encourages creativity and critical thinking. 9. Your home is … Continue reading