What is the Rapture? Part 1

Over the past several years the teaching of the Rapture of the Church has been much taught, publicized and debated among Protestants, Evangelicals and in the public forum. What is the Rapture? Though the word “rapture” is never found in the Bible, the idea for the doctrine is found in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, which states: “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, (dead) that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus … Continue reading

5 Advantages to a Christian School

The decision of how to school your child is a very personal one. Many parents feel that the public schools in their area are excellent and gladly send their children there. Other parents feel that homeschooling is the best option for their family. Whether they object to the material being taught in the public school, feel the quality of the school is inferior, or simply want to be with their children, home schooling is a wonderful blessing for many parents. If a parent is uncomfortable with the public school, but also lacks the time or the desire to homeschool, Christian … Continue reading

10 Advantages to Being Part of a Large Church

There are many wonderful advantages to being part of a large church, here are ten: 1. Programs for all ages. A wonderful advantage to a large church is that there are programs for every age group. From the nursery to the youth group to the senior saints, every person has a class that fits them individually. 2. Others with like interests. In a larger church you can find families that are in your situation. Whether you are adoptive parents, childless or a single parent, finding people with which you can relate comes easier than in a smaller church. 3. High … Continue reading

Temperance: A Godly Balance

Are you a balanced person? When I think of someone who is balanced, I think of a person who has everything under control. They have found a way to make their relationships with God, spouse, children and community blend together. They spend the appropriate amounts of time at work, at home, and in recreation. This person doesn’t put too much emphasis on any one area of his life that could potentially overshadow his other priorities. The Bible has something to say about balance. II Peter chapter 1 talks about building upon our salvation and growing in Christ. It says to … Continue reading

A Child’s Prayer Blooper

Wednesday night at our church is a time of Bible study and prayer. After we spend about twenty minutes in Bible study, the service is opened up to the congregation. People who have needs for prayer will share them with the rest of the church during this time. If someone has a need, but does not want to specify the nature of it, they will say only that they have an “unspoken” prayer request. After we get all of the prayer requests, we pray together either as a church, as families, or with prayer partners. On one such evening my … Continue reading

Three Thieves of Joy

God wants His children to have joy and peace in their lives. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “…for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” In God we find an inner strength and peace that surpasses anything we could ever find elsewhere. The joy that the world gives is fleshly, superficial and fleeting at best. Only the joy that comes from God can sustain and inspire the believer to be more and do more for God. It is this same joy which flows from the heart that shows those around you that you have something they need: A relationship with Jesus … Continue reading

Is Your Sleep Sweet?

Recently my husband went to our local jail to hold a Bible study with several of the inmates. In the course of the conversation someone asked, “How many of you are able to sleep through the night?” The men each looked at each other and shrugged. Not one of them was able to raise their hand and attest to receiving a good night’s sleep. The reason? Each man had his own burden he was carrying. Whether it was the weight of his crime, thoughts of his family, feelings of loneliness or anger, they had one thing in common other than … Continue reading

What I Learned from Pots and Pans

A few days per month I do some cleaning for an elderly woman in my church. For the past few weeks she has been telling me that she had a “special” project for me to do. She mentioned that it had something to do with her pots and pans. I envisioned dirty, greasy cookware that needed serious scrubbing and did not look upon my upcoming task with a friendly eye. I arrived at her house, mentally bracing myself for the unpleasant job. She lined up all of her cookware that needed to be cleaned on her kitchen counter and began … Continue reading

How to Prepare a Devotional

Have you ever been asked to supply a devotional for a Bible study? The first time I was asked to serve in this capacity I was extremely nervous. I didn’t know where to start. How should I choose a topic? How do I come up with enough information to fill up the allotted time? Though the process was scary, it ended up being a wonderful blessing. Here are a few ideas for how to develop a devotional that will bless you and those to whom you speak: First things first, pray about the theme, occasion and audience. What will your … Continue reading

A Christian Mother’s Experience With the Baby Blues

After my first baby was born, I was a mess. I don’t think that what I experienced was true postpartum depression, but it definitely qualified as the “baby blues.” I remember pulling into the driveway when my husband and I came home from the hospital with our son. I felt a tightness in my chest and my eyes were stinging with tears. How in the world was I going to do this? What did I really know about babies? When would I get sleep? Just reminiscing about it now I can feel all of those emotions flooding back to me. … Continue reading