Overdue Intro From A New SP Blogger

Yes, my introduction is long overdue. As one of the new Single Parenting bloggers, I’ve wanted to say hello to Jacky Gamble who’s another SP blogger, and to everyone here at Families.com, but I’ve been so intently focused on writing informative pieces that this kept slipping my mind. Here I am at last. I’ve been a single parent for about 7 years now. After my second divorce I truly felt it was better to go it alone with my five daughters. It seemed apparent that I hadn’t chosen husbands wisely, so it was high time for me to get out … Continue reading

Keeping An Art Journal

Notebooks are a wonderful way to keep track of science, language arts, history, creative writing, and other assignments. It keeps things neat and tidy, and there aren’t loose papers all over the place. I quickly discovered that having one big three-ring binder filled with notebook paper and dividers just didn’t work out well. The papers often tore out and they were heavy and clumsy for my kids to use. Instead, by purchasing color-coded notebooks and writing each child’s name on the front with a big permanent ink marker, it kept things more organized. My kids didn’t feel as overwhelmed as … Continue reading

The Dangers Of Seeking Health Info Online

I’m sure that most people will agree that having the Internet is a wonderful thing for the most part. We can find interesting articles, interact with people, send away for free samples, file our taxes, even find true love online. There are also some bad things about seeking out information over the Internet as well. Some of the negative things are the fact that people can pretend to be anything and anyone they want. This doesn’t bode well for those trying to date since you may think you’re talking to someone who looks like Johnny Depp and the person ends … Continue reading

My New Hobby Is Finding Freebies

One of my favorite frugal hobbies is collecting freebies. I just started this back up a few weeks ago and am glad I did. I’ve gotten everything from laundry soap and perfume to dog food and breakfast bars. This nice little hobby is good for many reasons. Being the frugal zealot that I am, it satisfies that itch to reduce costs and even get something for free. It’s also a way for me to take short breaks between job projects. And, since I’m a professional reviewer, I can help spread the word—or warning—about products. Many years ago getting free things … Continue reading

Glucosamine For Older Dogs

My dog Barnaby is an old yellow lab that I love dearly. He’s getting up there in age and I know that within the next few years he’ll probably be leaving us. I don’t want to think about that right now though. While he is with us, I want to be sure his life is as stress free and healthy as possible. Looking at him you’d know he was older, but he acts much younger. Aside from adding a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar to his water dish each day, I feel I owe it all to the natural … Continue reading

Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

Almost everyone has probably heard that expression before. You feel grumpy or are having a bad day and someone says, “What’s wrong with you? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Although it doesn’t really matter which side of bed we crawl out of in the morning, you can always tell when it’s going to be one of those days. Is it simply our mindset or a sixth sense when we awaken and can almost feel that gray cloud hovering above our heads, warning us that today will not be a good day? As you stumble … Continue reading

Gardening As A Whole Curriculum

Now that spring is here, most states are starting to thaw out and warm up. This an excellent time to begin a garden, no matter how small, and teach the kids about botany, art, vocabulary, water conservation, nutrition, and so much more. I’m a firm believer in getting the most bang for my buck and most use out of every moment. Each lesson you teach your kids can incorporate many subjects, not just the most obvious one at hand. Gardening is no different. The house we live in now has a nice back and front yard, but even when we … Continue reading

You Can’t Fill Every Role As A Single Parent

Single parents often feel very alone, almost like you’re the only one in the world facing these particular problems and challenges. Although everyone does have their personal uphill battles, according to the US Census Bureau, in 2006 there were 12.9 million one-parent families in the United States. Of those, 10.4 million were single mothers. Assuredly, today there are millions more. So, the good news is that we really aren’t alone. The bad news is, it’s still a tough job fulfilling so many roles. Is it really possible to be everything to your child or children? As a self-proclaimed workaholic and … Continue reading

How Dogs Can Train Each Other

In my home there are three teenage girls, three cats, a rat, and two dogs. The cats are the least amount of trouble since all they require is food, water, a clean litter box and love-on-demand. I’m not very fond of the rat, but he was about to become homeless since his owner packed up and moved out of state, so “Spock” now lives with us. The teenage girls? Well, that’s where my gray hairs and stomach ailments have come from, though for the most part our home is fun, if not slightly disorganized. This brings me to our dogs. … Continue reading

Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestive Health

Until I found out how well organic apple cider vinegar worked for a variety of ailments, I was the type of person who had over-the-counter and herbal remedies for just about everything. Due to the stress of being a single parent and lifestyle factors, I’ve always suffered with digestive problems and had probably spent thousands of dollars over the years on antacids, and various natural supplements. They’d help a bit, but nothing actually did the trick. Although I’ve been on a tight budget since my divorce, I decided to change my diet. Searching online I found a wealth of information, … Continue reading