Showing Children the Importance of God

Sure, you always talk to your children about God. You tell them that He created the earth. You tell them that He made them special. You tell your children that they should read the Bible because it tells us more about God and it was given to us by God. You tell your children that they should pray to God. You tell your children to be kind to one another because it is right according to the Bible. You tell your children about love. You tell your children about the importance of attending worship. But do you show your children … Continue reading


As the New Year approaches many people will undoubtedly be making resolutions about things they want to change in their lives. From losing weight, spending more time with family, or getting out of debt people use the New Year as a fresh start in their lives. While each of the resolutions I mentioned above are good, I also want to encourage you to make some “spiritual” resolutions. Below I have listed just a few resolutions to help strengthen one’s walk with God. Pray, pray, pray. Prayer is an important part of a Christian’s life. Resolve to pray more often to … Continue reading

Holiday Opportunity

As you may or may not know, I do not celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday for many of the same reasons I do not celebrate Easter as a religious holiday. I have outlined those reasons in a previous blog, and that is not what this blog is about. While I do not celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday I do celebrate it in a secular way. I exchange gifts with family and friends. I help cook the family-style mashed potatoes. I bake the Christmas cookies and decorate them with red and green icing and sprinkles on top. One of … Continue reading

Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children About Dating

Previously I devoted an entire article to the importance of teaching children to surround themselves with godly friends. This article stems from that foundation: Christian parents must teach their children the importance of dating Christians. If children understand the importance of surrounding themselves with godly friends, it will make it easier for children to understand the importance of dating Christians. Many children struggle with the concept that it really is important to choose who you date wisely. In fact, for most children, especially teens, their criteria for who they date are based solely on superficial characteristics. I think many have … Continue reading

Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children About Friends

A mother and father send their eighteen-year-old son off to college. He is a well-grounded individual who loves the Lord. The first year he is away at college he is faithful in attending church and surrounds himself with Christian friends. The second year he is at college he takes a job where he is surrounded by many non-Christians. He is spending so much time with his co-workers he has soon replaced his Christian friends with friends from work. Soon he begins slipping away from God, attending services less and less, and involving himself in the sin of the world. Sadly, … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Wise and Foolish Builders

If you read very many of my blogs you probably know that I teach a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. This lesson was one of their absolute favorites! In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus says the following: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does … Continue reading

Devotions of Prayer

Like many of the other topics I have written about in my “Devotions” series, doing a study over prayer is hardly something that can be done completely in one short setting. The Bible has a lot to say about prayer: how to pray, what to pray for, and examples of prayer. An in-depth study on prayer would likely take several hours, if not more, of intense look at the Bible and what it has to say about prayer. However, by saying that I do not intend to discourage you, but rather prepare you for what is available on the topic … Continue reading

Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children Lessons About the Bible

Last month I wrote two articles outlining ten things I think are incredibly important for Christian parents to teach their children. Now I am going to expand on these ten lessons in a series of articles. Some of the lessons may be combined because they are related to one another. In this article I want to focus on the lessons parents must teach their children about the Bible. In the two articles I wrote previously, I mentioned three different lessons which Christian parents must teach their children regarding the Bible: the Bible is the inspired Word of God; the Bible … Continue reading

Devotions of Giving

In my previous entry in the “Devotions” series I wrote about desires that Christians should have such as a desire for God’s Word. One I did not mention in that article, although very important, is that a Christian should have a desire to give. First off, I want to mention a very important point. A devotion on giving would be greatly lacking without the mention of the greatest gift of all: Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. John 3:16 states: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but … Continue reading

Devotions of Desire

What do you think of when you hear the word “desire”? Maybe you think of worldly desires. Maybe you think of desires you might have for the future, such as a desire to lose weight or that your children marry a godly spouse. More than likely you do not immediately associate the word with God or the Bible. However, Christians should desire things in the Lord, as well as desire to do certain things in the Lord. Christians should desire some things: Christians should desire to do the will of God. Christians should desire God. Christians should desire wisdom. Christians … Continue reading