About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.


A wise man once said, “We can complain that rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” This wise man happened to be an amazing leader of our country during a time when our country was falling apart. Abraham Lincoln had plenty he could complain about. Leading a country that was at war with each other would be daunting for anyone, but he led with grace and chose to see the beauty rather than the destruction. As single parents it is easy to complain. Raising a child alone is tough. Being divorced is a constant challenge. Your … Continue reading

Helping Kids Balance Electronics and Life

With Christmas around the corner electronics are in high demand. But, how do we as parents teach our children to find a balance between technology and their other everyday activities? Our kids are living in a digital world. They instinctively know how to work just about every electronic device out there. I have been amazed at the things my 4 year old can do on Grandma’s Ipad. He knows how to work it better than I do. He can navigate and find his favorite shows in a matter of seconds. He knows right where his games are and can go … Continue reading

Take a Deep Breath

I have a confession to make. I give great advice, but I haven’t been following it lately. I’ve been letting the stress of life get to me. So much so that I had a major melt down last night which in turn led my body to tell me to quit it. How does my body tell me this you ask? I woke up with a cold sore. I had never had one of these until I met my ex-husband, one of the many negative things he passed along. But now, whenever I let the emotional stress consume me I inevitably … Continue reading


I found out my ex-husband is getting remarried tonight. What’s worse, he didn’t have the nerve to tell me himself, I found out through Facebook. At first I was in shock. Wasn’t it only a few months ago that he told me he wasn’t getting married again anytime soon? Wasn’t it only a year ago that he was trying to get back together? While I am thoroughly convinced that getting divorced was the best decision in the world for me, it is hard to watch my former husband become somebody else’s. Not because I want to be with him, but … Continue reading

Missing You

We’ve been running around all day. We had a blast, but we barely had a chance to sit down and breathe. By the time we finally got home Logan went straight to his dad’s, which was fine because I had a lot of cleaning to catch up on from the last couple of days. I ran from one thing to the next trying to hurry and get everything done before my little munchkin got home. As we were sitting in bed reading bedtime stories tonight he said, “Mommy, when I’m at Dad’s I miss you.” My little heart melted and … Continue reading

If You’re Grumpy and You Know It…Read a Book!

Logan has been pretty grumpy lately. I’m not really sure why, and frankly I’m not even sure if he knows why most of the time, but I’ve been a little concerned about it for a while. I noticed the change about a month or two ago and started looking for solutions to the problem. We talked about it often and most of the time I got very little response out of him. I knew something was bothering him, but he couldn’t seem to vocalize what it was. Instead he would hit, kick, scream, and throw things. I was at a … Continue reading

Going to School with Kids

I have been asked several times over the last year how I could possibly manage to continue going to school with a child all while parenting alone. “How do you have time to do homework?” “Who watches your son for you?” “How do you find time to study?” “How do you keep your grades up?” All questions that have continued to come up time and time again. For the record, it hasn’t been an easy task, but here are some things that may help you attempt the college journey as a single mother. First off, don’t forget to check out … Continue reading

Let the Screaming Begin!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post I have a screaming child next to me. I’m on the verge of going to find my own corner to scream in. It’s been one of those days…weeks…months…ok, years. He’s very four. I may have thrown the idea of selling him to the zoo around a few times today. It certainly would make for a less stressful night, but I guess I might miss the screaming after a few days…maybe. Kids are hard and it seems they are always harder during this time of year. With all of the excitement … Continue reading

Teaching Your Sons to Be Better Men

In a world where playing video games is more appealing than providing for a family or going to college it is especially important to teach our sons the value of working hard and growing up. While I intend to keep my son little forever, eventually the universe is going to combine against me and make him grow up. For some men, this doesn’t mean much. They are grown up but living in a child’s world. Believe it or not the number of men playing video games between the ages of 18 and 34 surpasses those between the ages of 13 … Continue reading

A Little Tighter

In light of the horrific events yesterday I had to write a few words expressing my feelings as a mother. When I learned of the tragedy in Connecticut my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. These little children were my son’s age. Each time I looked at him I nearly broke into tears. This is every parent’s worst nightmare. I cannot imagine the intensity of the pain those parents are feeling as they are tucking their babies into bed tonight and finding that one of those beds will forever be empty. The loss of a child is by … Continue reading