Debt vs. Financial Freedom

Recent studies have shown more and more Americans are paying off their credit card debt. However, conflicting reports are showing Americans averaging several thousands of dollars in debt; many of these people spending more in a year than they actually make. My husband and I stayed on the rollercoaster of credit card debt for more than ten years until we took the plunge and paid them off. I recall several times we charged our groceries and years ago, even charging our rent. God has not intended for us to live beyond our means. He has promised, as with the birds … Continue reading

Glorifying God in Stressful Situations

When bad things happen in our lives, glorifying God is perhaps the last thing on many of our minds. It’s not that we don’t think about God; it’s that our thoughts toward Him might be that of a child who doesn’t understand why they can’t have something the way they want. The other day my mom and I were on our way to have lunch (I hadn’t eaten a single bite that whole morning). Last minute I decided to stop at a furniture store. On the way out of the parking lot to head to our intended lunch destination, I … Continue reading

Are You A Real Believer?

What is a real believer to you? Is it someone who believes that Jesus the messiah has indeed come? Is it someone who believes that God can answer prayers and perform miracles in people’s lives? James 2:19, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” Even Satan knows that Jesus is Lord. Why else would the name of Jesus Christ, our loving God, be used in cursing so much? There is power in Jesus. Satan hates this fact and has worked to remove the mention of Jesus in our society except while promoting … Continue reading

Door-To-Door Charity Collectors

It’s your child’s naptime and the door rings, the dog barks and there stands someone who may have overlooked your “No Soliciting” sign outside the door. Has this happened to you? Alright, what about after you’ve sat down to dinner with your family and you hear a knock at the door and there stands a person quickly stating, “I’m not here to sell anything…”? This bothers some families more than others; I too am one of those who are bothered by my uninvited company. Sadly, most of us can’t help but be skeptical of the motive behind a stranger asking … Continue reading


Who do we make confession to? The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is our advocate. I believe it is Christ who we are to pray to and ultimately confess our sins to. “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (1 John 2:1-2) Prior to Jesus’ coming, Nehemiah gives us an example of confession to God for … Continue reading

Should Christians Get Tattoos or Piercing?

In addition to the question of whether Christians are justified in getting tattoos and piercing, I’d like also to keep in mind other types of permanent procedures that some would go as far to suggest is mutilation. Appearances have evolved even in many Christian churches as they have in secular society. It’s not for me to suggest what is right or wrong when the apparel remains modest and gender specific as the Bible states. But what about fashion that is relatively permanent like tattoos and piercing along with more severe disfigurements? Some argue that our flesh will perish anyway and … Continue reading

For Love or For God?

Natalie loved the Lord having walked with Him from a very young age. She was not one to waste her time on just any guy who took interest in her. Natalie was looking for someone she could have a meaningful relationship with that would hopefully one day lead to holy matrimony. She didn’t expect to find someone online, but she did and they met, and it was butterflies in the heart at first sight. Christopher was handsome young fellow right around the same age as Natalie. They lived within reasonable distance and continued a relationship with one another; one that … Continue reading

Separation of Church and State

There have been many of drawn out debates even among Christians regarding the separation of church and state. Initially the separation was intended to keep the government from establishing a statewide religion, not to keep religion and faith out of the state. Many argue it’s a fallacy that the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, but I very much disagree and believe the proclamation of this belief to be a ploy of the enemy to break down the moral fibers of our nation and ultimately remove God. Just see what some of our founding forefathers had to share about … Continue reading

The Healer of a Broken Heart

“Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled; but You, O LORD—how long? … I am weary with my groaning; all night I make my bed swim; I drench my couch with my tears… For the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD has heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.” (Psalm 6: 2-3, 6, 8-9) Have you ever found yourself feeling like David has in the Psalms? I sure have. Unfortunately, during our times of brokenness we may be reluctant to take the … Continue reading

Staying in the Race

I think one of the more challenging things for me as a Christian is to stay in the race; to keep going and not get burned out. This is not to say I ever consider rejecting God. I know that He exists as there is evidence all around me. I’m talking about keeping myself from becoming discouraged or backsliding. I do become weary on my Christian journey from time to time; I notice this more when I’m not taking the Sabbath rest I need. Sometimes I feel too like I’m fighting a losing battle against the declining morals of society. … Continue reading